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An introduction to heavy lifting for beginners

1. What is meant by heavy weightlifting?

Do you really need to lift heavy weights for muscle growth
Do you really need to lift heavy weights for muscle growth

Weightlifting is any type of exercise or training that involves the use of weights. Likewise, training with more weights than usual is referred to as heavy weight lifting. For upper body exercises, anything over 200 pounds is deemed heavy. Anything above 300 pounds is considered heavy for most individuals when it comes to lower body exercises.

A person’s one repetition maximum is the highest weight they are capable of lifting. This indicates that the weight is the most that an individual is capable of lifting for a single repetition—not for a second. One-rep maximums are occasionally utilized in CrossFit programming, but unless a person is training expressly for muscular strength or is a competitive powerlifter, they shouldn’t be a part of a normal workout regimen.

If one were to slightly lower the weight in order to complete two or three repetitions, the majority of individuals would still perceive it as a “heavy” weight. Such a high load is not necessary for the normal individual to train with. Powerlifters may use these heavy lifts because they develop the nervous system to eventually lift much greater weights.

Alternatively, “heavy lifting” is an option for individuals seeking to increase their general strength and fitness. The very minimum that the average individual should strive for during a workout is sets of four to six repetitions. Contrarily, sets of eight to twelve repetitions are typically seen to be a healthy range for assisting people in developing a combination of strength and muscular hypertrophy. Consequently, the largest weight that most people can lift for eight to twelve repetitions of an exercise is deemed “heavy.”

2. How frequently should someone lift big weights?

Lift heavy weights
Lift heavy weights

Experts concur that the average human can move large objects for two to three days a week. Beginner lifters should train three days a week at a larger volume, performing at least 20 repetitions of each exercise. This should be broken up into sets, such as three sets of eight repetitions each exercise.

Although some bodybuilders and more seasoned lifters like to focus on particular muscle groups on particular days, most people can benefit from a few total-body lifting exercises that incorporate the primary functional range of motion several times a week.

It’s also important to remember that weightlifting routines are evaluated based on intensity, which is a different metric than “heavy.” For an exercise to be successful, the muscles need to be strained. The eighth, ninth, and tenth reps of each set should grow quite intense if the objective is to finish three sets of ten repetitions. One should be aware that they aren’t lifting sufficiently heavy weight if, toward the end of the repetitions, the exercise does not feel severe.

Ultimately, the final few repetitions should be challenging, and any weight should feel “heavy” at that time, regardless of the number of repetitions or weight used.

3. Advantages of intense weightlifting

Lifting Heavy Weights
Lifting Heavy Weights

Whether someone is exercising for health or appearance, lifting weights should be a component of their regimen.

Studies have demonstrated that women can benefit from strength training in a number of ways, including bettering their body composition, developing lean muscle, losing fat, becoming more flexible, and lowering their chance of developing osteoporosis in later life. Just for mental stimulation, adding some heavy lifting to your routine might be useful as a change of pace from your average workout.

Excessive weight training has been demonstrated to increase self-worth. Additionally, happiness, sadness, and anxiety can all be improved with weight training. Even though it might occasionally be challenging to find the motivation to work out, the advantages greatly exceed the challenges.

Everyone is aware that exercising increases calorie burn, but consistent strength training outside of the gym can also increase calorie burn. After working out, one experiences a “after burn,” which is the body burning calories even after the exertion. Moreover, strength exercise promotes muscle growth. The extra muscle mass boosts a person’s daily calorie expenditure even in the absence of exercise.

Heavy lifting stimulates the production of several hormones, such as IGF-1, which enhances cognitive performance and helps to form new connections in the brain. It has been discovered that having stronger legs is positively correlated with having minds that are less vulnerable to the damaging effects of aging.

More than only muscles are strengthened by resistance training using free weights or your own body weight. Additionally, it strengthens connective tissue and bones. One will be able to avoid injuries and keep their body strong thanks to their increased strength and stability. Additionally, it can help with the symptoms of a variety of illnesses, such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and back pain.

Resistance training programs should incorporate a range of intensities to guarantee diversity, prevent plateaus, and lower the chance of injury.

4. The drawbacks of intense weightlifting

Disadvantages of heavy weightlifting
Disadvantages of heavy weightlifting

There are certain drawbacks that can make it inappropriate for some people trying to lose weight.

Most people agree that lifting weights is safe. Once more, the majority of movements barely affect the bones and joints. However, people need to know what they’re doing if they want to lift big weights safely.

Joint damage is more common in those who try to lift too much weight or perform improper form, and it can be challenging for novices to know when to stop.

Another problem is that lifting weights might elevate blood pressure momentarily. Lifting weights might be quite risky for someone who already has high blood pressure.

Phases of cutting and bulking can be advantageous for a person’s body composition. But in the wrong hands, they can be detrimental to one’s health.

Excessive lifting can cause stiffness and has no positive effect on cardiovascular endurance or fitness. Maintaining muscle health requires proper recuperation, and lifting should not be used in place of stretches and other flexibility exercises.

5. Advice for the novice

Tips for the newbies
Tips for the newbies

Before beginning an intense weightlifting program, keep in mind these important tips.

Give up the weight if it hurts too much: It’s vital to remember that discomfort does not necessarily translate into success. discomfort is a sign that there is a problem with the body, thus you should not lift weights until the discomfort goes away. Joint pain from weightlifting seems to be a prevalent misunderstanding. In fact, a study found that after engaging in weight-bearing activities, 43% of participants reported having less knee pain. This is a result of the surrounding muscles around the joints being stronger and more supportive in certain regions.

Proper form is essential: It’s important to learn the right technique before starting to carry heavy objects. Weight training is much like any other exercise that you may get better at with consistent practice. It is more likely that someone who has done the movements with small weights and good technique will carry that technique over to heavier and higher weights. This lowers the chance of damage while enabling people to get the most out of their exercise.

Continue doing what is effective: There’s a reason why squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses are staple exercises in most lifting programs. It turns out that one does not need as much variety as one may think. Determining what works best for you is essential. Exercises that are trendy and fresh don’t always indicate they’re essential or very helpful for your objectives. One triceps exercise will do; 12 distinct exercises are not essential to complete each session.


6. Easy weightlifting routines for beginners

Beginner friendly weightlifting exercises
Beginner friendly weightlifting exercises

Functional movements are built on the foundation of these weightlifting workouts. As they gain strength, one might continue to add more variants. Remember to take one or two minutes off in between sets.

Hex bar deadlift: Take a tall stance within the hex bar with your feet hip-width apart to start. Maintaining your shins vertically, push your hips back as far as you can. Once both hands are able to grasp the bar, bend your knees. With your back flat, your knees slightly bent, and your core tight, stand tall and contract your glutes. Once again, hinge at the hips, then drop your chest back down until your weight just barely touches the floor. Get up and repeat the process. In the end, return the bar to the ground gradually, just like you did when you lifted it.

Single-arm dumbbell row: Start with your back flat and your torso tipped forward, in a split stance (one foot in front of the other). With your hand opposite your front foot, hold a dumbbell. A box or bench should support your other hand. When the weight is exactly beneath your shoulder, bring it up toward your hip. Replicate from the beginning position. Finish all repetitions on one side before alternating.

Back squat: Take a racked posture beneath a barbell such that it rests on your traps (the upper back muscle that extends from your neck to just below your shoulder blade) behind your head. With both hands, hold the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Release the grip and cautiously retract each foot one step at a time. Toes should point slightly outward, and feet should be hip-width apart or somewhat wider. Inhale deeply, contract your abdominal muscles, and begin pressing your elbows toward the floor. As you bend your knees and hinge at the hips, sit down straight into a squat.

Using a barbell at your collarbones, place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders and your feet just below your hips to do an overhead press. Using your abs, press the bar straight up and toward your face. At the peak of the movement, press the bar back slightly after it has passed your forehead, so that it rests at the base of your neck. Slowly and carefully, bring the bar back to just above your collarbone.

Bench press: Place your feet firmly on the floor while lying on your back on a bench. You should be looking directly below the bar. Using your hands somewhat broader than your shoulders, grasp the bar. Next, take it off the rack and lay it across your chest. Lower the bar to, or slightly above, your chest if your range of motion is limited. Once more, drive the bar straight up.

7. Diet is important when doing heavy lifting

Diet while lifting heavy
Diet while lifting heavy

Gaining more muscular mass and strength requires regular exercise. Breakdown of muscle tissue occurs during strength training. During healing, that tissue grows back larger and stronger.

But your body can’t create new muscle tissue on its own. People need to have the right nutrients in their bodies in order to gain muscle in order to advance.

This means that eating habits—specifically, what and how much you eat—are essential to building muscle. Loss of muscular tissue can occur from lifting weights and strength training without sufficient nutrition, especially appropriate protein.

Not only that, but improper nutrition will deprive you of the energy needed for the muscle-building exercises. Thus, be sure to consume enough calories and protein.

Keep in mind that exercising might still be problematic even if you are only getting enough protein from your diet and are not taking in or burning calories.


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